Fritz Algae Clean Out is the most concentrated EPA-registered algaecide formula available. Algae Clean Out targets string algae, blanketweed, and green water caused by single-celled algae. Unlike some algaecides on the market, Fritz Algae Clean Out contains no copper and will not harm fish and live plants when used as directed.
Use 6 drops per 10 U.S. gallons (37.85 L). Use 18 drops (? tsp/? cap) per 30 U.S. gallons (114L). Use 5 ml (1 tsp/1 cap) per 60 U.S. gallons (227.1 L). Add recommended dosage near the filter outflow to mix into aquarium water rapidly. Remove dead algae from aquarium. Repeat dose every three days until algae is controlled. CAUTION: Not safe for use with freshwater invertebrates including snails, shrimp, clams, other crustaceans or mollusks.